
Lecture notes for "Climate change and global health" 2024 - University San Raffaele

"Climate change and global health" (CCGH) is a 12-hour module of the course on "Climate change and architecture for health" at the University San Raffaele in Milan. This page refers to the lectures delivered in the Fall semester of 2024.

The 12 hours of teaching will be delivered through in-presence frontal lectures. the study plan is as follows:

Lecture notes for Climate Change Adaptation (Floods and Water Resources in a Changing Climate) 2024

Climate Change Adaptation (Floods and Water Resources in a Changing Climate for student of physics) is concentrating on strategies and actions to mitigate the impact of climate change on society, with a particular focus on water. The course will be taught with 48 hours of frontal teaching, including lectures given by the teacher and exercises developed by collaborative work by students and the teacher. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of modern techniques for designing climate resilient environmental systems in the presence of human impact.

Lecture notes for Science of Climate Change and Climate Actions 2024

"Science of Climate Change and Climate Actions" is a soft skill course at the University of Bologna. It will be taught in English for a total of 24 hours (3 credits) in the second semester, by me and other expert colleagues. Details are given here. Access is given to a maximum number of 200 students. The study plan is as follows:

Alluvioni: Dieci nozioni per proteggerci

Le alluvioni spesso ci colgono di sorpresa e quindi impreparati. Sono eventi catastrofici che provocano danni crescenti e sono quindi ragione di preoccupazione. La lista delle alluvioni italiane purtroppo indica che le vittime nel nostro paese per alluvioni sono state 50 fra 2021 e 2022. Anche all'estero si sono recentemente verificati eventi inaspettati, quale ad esempio la piena in Germania del 2021.

Corsi di laurea e di dottorato a DICAM@Unibo

Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali (DICAM) dell’Università di Bologna, dove insegno e faccio attività di ricerca, offre diversi corsi di laurea, laurea magistrale e dottorato.

Corsi di laurea

Se sei interessato ai corsi di laurea e laurea magistrale offerti dal mio dipartimento, fai riferimento al seguente link:


Tutorials of Coastal Engineering - 2023-2024

The course on Coastal Engineering is included in the study plan of the master degree program in Off-shore Engineering at the University of Bologna. The part of course that I am teaching counts 12 hours of lectures. The teacher will make extensive use of interactivity, with the options illustrated below. Lectures include about 4 hours dedicated to solving exercises by using the personal computer, by collaborative work by students and teacher. Students will be kindly asked to bring their own personal computer to solve the exercises.

Lecture notes for "Climate change and global health" - University San Raffaele

"Climate change and global health" (CCGH) is a 12-hour module of the course on "Climate changing and architecture for health" at the University San Raffaele in Milan. I am teaching CCGH for the first time in the fall semester of 2023.

The 12 hours of teaching will be delivered through in-presence frontal lectures. the study plan is as follows:

Corsi di Cambiamento Climatico e Adattamento Primavera 2024

Nel secondo semestre insegnerò due corsi su argomenti di cambiamento climatico ed adattamento, che prevedono un approccio idoneo alla frequenza di studenti di tutte le discipline. I corsi saranno erogati in lingua inglese con modalità ibrida, ovvero sia in presenza fisica sia in streaming. Nel caso lo streaming non sia disponibile i video delle lezioni saranno resi immediatamente disponibili dopo la chiusura di ogni lezione.

I corsi sono:

Presentation of the curriculum "Harbour Engineering" of the master degree in Civil Engineering - Unibo

The curriculum "Harbour Engineering" of the international Master’s in Civil Engineering at the University of Bologna is a programme that aims at educating professionals with the necessary in-depth scientific and technical knowledge in the field of coastal and marine engineering, by specifically focusing on resilience of marine structures and environment under climate change. The programme provides students with firm technical bases while nurturing decision-making and leadership potential.

Tutorials of Climate Change Adaptation - 2023

Climate Change Adaptation is concentrating on strategies and actions to mitigate the impact of climate change on society, with a particular focus on water. The course will be taught during 48 hours of frontal teaching, including lectures given by the teacher and exercises developed by collaborative work by students and the teacher. The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of modern techniques for estimating design variables for water resources systems in the presence of human impact.

Tutorials of Coastal Engineering - 2022-2023

The course on Coastal Engineering is included in the study plan of the master degree program in Off-shore Engineering at the University of Bologna. The part of course that I am teaching counts 12 hours of lectures. The teacher will make extensive use of interactivity, with the options illustrated below. Lectures include about 4 hours dedicated to solving exercises by using the personal computer, by collaborative work by students and teacher. Students will be kindly asked to bring their own personal computer to solve the exercises.